Kirill Yurovskiy

Kirill Yurovskiy: Surrealistic Elements in Everyday Hairstyles

But before we get into the hair, just a minute or so to understand what Surrealism’s all about born in the 1920s, surrealism was all about tapping into that subconscious mind, beating free from rational thought, and embracing the weird and wonderful world of dreams and imagination.

Think Dal’s melting clocks or Magritte’s man with an apple for a face. It is all about taking something so known and then setting it in some other, unexpected direction that gets people thinking. Now, imagine being able to capture that vibe in your hair. Pretty rad, right?

Everyday Surrealism: It’s Not About Looking Crazy

I know what you’re thinking: Dude, I can’t just walk into the office looking like I’ve got a lobster phone on my head! You’re right, of course. The secret to pulling off surrealist hairstyling in everyday life is subtlety. We are not trying to recreate some kind of Dali painting on our head albeit that would be totally awesome at a costume party. Not too-out-there, in-your-face designs, but rather small, unexpected touches that make people do a double take and think, “Huh, that’s cool!”

Color Outside the Lines: Unexpected Hues and Placements

One of the easiest ways to put a touch of surrealism into your hair is via color. But ditch your standard issue highlights or all-over dye jobs. We’re talking, on this site, about unexpected pops of color in unusual places.

How about a streak of electric blue peeked out from beneath the rest of your natural-colored hair? Or how about a gradient that moves from your natural color to some color from another world, like plum or vibrant green? The key is placing them in those spots that are revealed with movement, creating such an amazing sense of surprise and intrigue.

For the gutsier, there are blocking sections of your hair in complementary or contrasting hues. Create a living, moving canvas on your head!

Shapes and Textures: Defying Gravity and Expectations

The reasoning here is pretty simple: if surrealism is all about going against expectations, why should your hair be any different from the laws of gravity? Play with shapes and textures to create hairstyles that seem illogical.

Try styling one section of your hair to appear perfectly sleek and straight while the rest is wild and curly. Or create a perfectly round ball of hair on one side of your head, with flowing locks cascading on the other. The clash of different textures and shapes can make for a visual that’s interestingly surreal.

For those with longer hair, try braids or twists that appear to float or defy gravity. One French braid, starting at the nape of your neck and ending at the top of your forehead, can create an M.C. Escher-like illusion of loops that never end.

Accessories: Where the Magic Happens

Here is where the surrealist flag can really fly. Hair accessories are one great way to insert the element of surprise in otherwise normal hairstyles.

Think beyond your regular hair clips and bands. How about small, almost-real butterfly clips that seem to have just landed in your hair? Or a comb that looks as if it’s melting Dali-style as it holds your hair in place?

One could also pull off a more understated approach by giving accessories a twist: perspective. Visualize a hair clip that is flat, for instance, but made to appear like it was three-dimensional-perfect trompe l’oeil, pure surrealism.

The Art of Illusion: Playing with Perception

Surrealism loves playing with our perception of reality, and your hair can be the perfect canvas. Create hairstyles that give a different form every time they are viewed from another angle.

For example, one can leave the hairstyle normal-looking, such as a shortcut in front but with an interesting pattern or unexpected length when one is viewed from the side or from behind. Alternatively, hair chalk can be tried out and certain movements played with to change the look of tenebrous or highlighted strands.

Another cool trick is to play with negative space: create partings or shaved sections that form recognizable shapes or patterns when contrasted against the rest of your hair. It’s almost like creating a hidden picture that shows up only when one really looks closely.

DIY Surrealism: Embracing Imperfection and Spontaneity

One of the coolest things about surrealism is how much the movement embraces spontaneity and the imperfect or accidental. In this regard, do not be afraid to experiment and let happy accidents guide your style.

First, try styling your hair while closing your eyes and never looking into a mirror. It may turn out too messy, but on the other hand, it may be unexpectedly cool; either way, it will be a very surrealist way of hairstyling!

Or, better yet-clip out a bunch of hairstyle pictures from magazines, toss them in a hat, and draw three at random. Then, taking all three, do your best to combine elements into one hairstyle. The result will no doubt be unique and perhaps a little perfect for our surrealist experiment!

Day-to-Day Wearability: Keeping It Real(ish)

Now, I get it-most of us can’t roll up to work or school with hair styled by Salvador Dali himself, really. But that does not mean we can’t apply elements of surrealism to everyday looks.

But the thing is, toe one surrealist element while keeping the rest of your style relatively normal that pop of color, hidden, or an unexpectedly placed braid. Or maybe it is the subtle optical illusion achieved by a clever parting and styling. Continue reading on the blog.

Remember, the whole idea of surrealism is making people question the reality of things. So even a small, unexpected element in an otherwise normal hairstyle can manage to achieve this effect.

The Confidence Factor: Owning Your Surrealist Style

But in the end, what matters is working with your surrealist-inspired style with confidence. The originators of surrealist art didn’t hold back from shocking, surprising, and making people think; they owned their weirdness, and that’s just what we do to our hair.

Don’t be afraid to try new things and figure it out. Maybe you absolutely love that subtle pop of color underneath. Or maybe playing with unusual textures and shapes is your thing.

Whatever you choose, wear it proudly. After all, your hair is one form of self-expression, and there’s nothing more surreal than being unapologetically yourself.

Wrapping It Up: The Surreal Dream Appeal of Surrealist Hair

And now, with this surrealist odyssey of hairdos coming to a close, I hope you’re stirred to add a dollop of the unexpected to your hair game: a pop of unusual color, a gravity-defying style, or an accessory that causes people to do a double take. There is a gazillion other ways one can thread surrealist elements into everyday looks.

Keep in mind, that the whole point of surrealism was not just to be weird for weirdness’ sake; it is one meant to challenge perceptions, embrace the subconscious, and find beauty in the unexpected.



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